Ashley Polino

Building the Next Generation of Extraordinary Since:


General Responsibilities (Role):

  • Financial Strategy & Planning
  • Risk Management
  • Financial Reporting
  • Cash Flow Management
  • Cost Control & Financial Compliance

Greatest Contribution to Reed:

I am immensely proud of the exceptional construction accounting team that I get to work with every day. Through dedication & strategic leadership, I have assembled a group of talented professionals who consistently exceed expectations. Witnessing the team’s growth, collaboration, and dedication to accuracy and efficiency fills me with pride. Together, we have created a powerhouse of skills and knowledge that not only meets but exceeds the unique challenges of construction accounting.

Hobbies, Interests, or Groups:

As a mom of 3 (including 2 under 2), my children are my hobby. We enjoy spending time at the lake during the summer months. Finding time to bring the cousins together and be with family is what feels most important in my life right now.

Leadership Team Members
William (Bill) T. Birck
Juli Johnson
Scott Pickands
Joseph Kozlowski
Patrick Green
Samantha Scharphorn